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The 5% Copywriter

The 5% Copywriter

The last blog post talked about how A.I. (artificial intelligence) will wipe out around 95% of copywriters. In this article, I wanted to show you why A.I. will never eliminate copywriting as a profession.

Since I write this you can see on websites like UpWork that your potential clients are now demanding that NO A.I. Copywriters need to apply. This was always going to happen. A.I. delivers slick results but the bigger problem is it’s like most copywriting - it looks and reads the same.

This can never work when the essence of a business is its voice or its story.

When COVID-19 (remember that one) arrived in the news, reports that had been leaked from China and then from other places and then from Italy before it arrived here in the U.K.  scientists had reported to the government that a definite number of around 820,000 will die over a 2-4 week period. People would drop dead on the streets, in their cars, at work and even whilst sleeping in their beds. Apart from the 820,000 they also said millions would be seriously sick.

It never happened so how could they say that and why did it not happen?

It never happened because it had been predicted by A.I. and not a human brain. A.I. caused the whole planet to lock down and we all know the effects of that so far. They called it modelling.

The reason A.I. will knock out most copywriters but not all was explained in the last post here.

The 5% Copywriter

But I also gave the reason that 5% at the most will thrive, survive and prosper. Right now there has never been a better time to become a human modeller. That is because the A.I. modelling programs are so bad. 

Right now there has never been a better time to become a copywriter that operates at a whole other level. You see the big picture that has to be taken into account when creating and writing copy isn’t just a formula.

It’s like a huge problem that has to be carefully put together. That means the actual human brain needs to be used to dig deep and find the reason for the copy, the story behind the copy, the conversation taking place in everyone’s head and eventually the outpouring of that copy onto paper.

The 5% Copywriter Uncovers

  • The Big Idea

  • The angle

  • The conversation

  • The emotion attack

  • The triggers

  • The reasons why

  • The proof

  • the voice

  • The character

  • The story

  • The sales outline

  • The mechanics for response

  • The 5 pronged edit

  • And more.

A.I. cannot do that and we’ve seen real-world proof of that. It certainly cannot do the most critical thing which in my opinion is my 5-pronged edit.

A 5% Copywriter Is An Extreme Editor

They have to be. They want to be. It’s a must-do action for any highly paid 5% copywriter. It’s also a secret that most 5% copywriters dare never share. They won’t share due to the unique power of this approach. That is what makes them - me - a 5% copywriter.

I personally can spend between 4-6 weeks editing my sales copy. That’s a 5% action.

So when zombie copygurus tell you that there is some truth. Yet what you need to focus on is the massive opportunity of becoming one of the 5% of copywriters that will have customers begging and hammering down your door for your 5% services.

That’s how I’ve always worked. That’s how I’ve always approached my work. That’s how I got my recognition as an A-lister. That is the difference between the 95% and the remaining 5% of copywriters. And that is how I train all of my copywriting on their unique, bespoke and transformative mentor program.

I’d love to read your comment below.


Alan Forrest Smith

Training The 5% Copywriters Since 2004