Will copywriters be replaced by chatGTP?

Will Copywriters Be Replaced By chatGTP?

This week I had an email from a long-time subscriber. His question was in the headline. I am assuming the subscriber was listening to another ‘copy expert’ share his opinion.

This expert apparently made this statement.

“Copywriters will be replaced by chatGTP”

I agree 95% of them will be and here is why?

Most copywriters are;

  • Trained the same

  • Read the same books

  • Follow the same experts

  • Write like each other

  • Believe writing copy is a fixed formula

  • Write like robots

Here’s an example.

I recently started a new mentee as a copywriting mentor.

He told me his copy was brilliant, but he wanted to be truly brilliant.

I gave him a project and told him to get writing. In 24 hours he sent back his copy.

He expected nothing but praise, but that isn’t what he got.

I told him this (copy and pasted)

“NAME it’s a brilliant effort, but its looks and reads like every single copywriter out there. Where is your difference and why will it sell?”

He went silent for two days so I messaged him. He replied and resisted my comments. It took around 5 days before he finally came around and realised that his training with me would be nothing like training with these common ‘copywriting experts”

I wanted him to

  • Think about his copy

  • Come up with a unique angle

  • Forget about headlines

  • Forget about bullet points

  • Forget about bonuses

  • Forget about the offer

I needed something very different from him.

He then told me he would do it again from scratch.

His second and TRUE attempt was nothing short of remarkable.

And this is the lesson on chatGTP making copywriters obsolete.

If copywriters are just writing the same copy everyone is writing it is a formula.

 The formula is what gets built into chatGTP.

The A.I. simply picks up what’s online and repeats formulas but in its own way.

I decided to test this and see how the copy comes out.

The first AI writing I created was ...

Who is Alan Forrest Smith?

I wasn't impressed maybe due to the fact it was a little too close to me (vanity overload). I will say a lot of the details about me were wrong.

The next chatGTP AD I did was;

How Do You Save a Hairdressing Salon About To Go Bust?

I was impressed but it wasn't quite what I expected. It was decent content but definitely not an ad. Overall very stiff and structured.

The last one I did was this

Write me a sales pitch for a new chocolate bar.

This was impressive  - very impressive.

What really shocked me was how good the flow was, how grammatically correct it all was, and how human it appeared to be. But again it was a content piece and NOT a direct response advert.

Overall I can see AI’s huge advantage. For content writers (that are generally lazy - this will eat your jobs up. You will now be asked to create half a dozen AI articles daily rather than the one you usually write - or copy and paste then edit. Of course, not all content writers are like that but this will be serious competition for all content writers as AI will only get better.

Will chatGTP make Copywriters redundant?

It really depends on what kind of copywriter you are and how good you are.

I can remember sales letter software coming in. It created a lazy bunch of copywriters. The effect was poor sales letters. Marketers got excited. Paying clients didn't. Copywriters were still king - good ones that is.

Here are a couple of stand-out things I noticed about AI.

  • It has no personality

  • It cannot mimic the personality or the true character of the company

  • It doesn't yet understand the direct response and all the tricks that go with it.

  • It's far too stiff to sell stuff that really needs to be sold.

  • It can only gather information online and in my experience the best research for projects comes right from the mouth of a client.

Overall I am not a fan right now, but like all things in life that could change.

Right now all I can see is a huge opportunity for great copywriters of all levels and I will tell you why.

  • The bigger clients won't want this impersonal service. They love having copywriters.

  • Those that fully understand real marketing will still demand the best copywriters.

  • This is a golden opportunity for all copywriters of all levels to truly level up.

This is a time when copywriters really have to expand their skills or truly specialize in one subject.

It will take some working out but this is a golden age for great copywriters the real question is will you be one of those great copywriters?

So will all copywriters become obsolete?

Most will yes but not all.

Those copywriters that are

  • Thinkers

  • Specialists

  • Creators

  • Makers

  • Communicators

  • Copywriting misfits

And truly understand that writing copy isn't about a formula these are the ones that will sweep up all the big money in the future.

This is how I work and write.

This is how I have always worked and written.

This is how I teach and train my copywriters to work and write.

And I have never been busier in my entire copywriting life.

Because A.I will never be able to think like a human it can only replicate what a human puts into it.

There has NEVER been a greater time to learn, discover, and specialise as a copywriter - NEVER.

This is a golden age and a return to what is truly creative copywriting.

And A.I and copywriters? I think it’s time we swept away all the useless me-too copywriters out there that write for cash and not high value.

I think there will be a new breed of copywriters who will completely sweep up.

These are exciting times for copywriters - well at least 5% of them.

Will you be one of the survivors that A.I will never in a million years replace?


Alan Forrest Smith

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