Google+ vs Facebook vs Marketing


It's more than obvious there are huge changes taking place in the world on online or internet marketing. The biggest changes being internet marketing should really be named 'on-the-move-marketing' and I'll explain more why in a second. The other things of course are what has been called social media.

So what's going on exactly and is it worth you investing loads of your valuable time into these subjects?

Lets go back to mobile marketing. We are a world on the move, office space is empty everywhere, everyone wants to work from home or even from Starbucks, on the go or other cafés. Deals, big deals are being set-in-stone even in Pret a Manger or other on the go locations. Things have and are changing fast in the world of business. (see above my favourite place to do calls, do deals, talk to clients, make my money)

Internet marketing helped to push those changes through, now we have marketing on the move using WIFI, iPads or tablets and smart phones.

This is and will be the biggest change you'll see in the marketing experience for decades.

Why? Everyone now WANTS to keep in touch WANTS to stay connected, WANTS to know what's going on. They want that on the move.

WANTS being the keyword here for your business. People want their chosen retailers, companies to stay in touch with them. They want to stay in touch with you.

With social media and especially the powerful new Google+ (watch this monster grow) relationships are getting more and more finely tuned.

Social medias like Facebook has a shelf life for your business, (despite what the 'gurus' say), for the reasons that Facebookers get bored fast, the lose interest fast, they have a short attention span and don't facebook to discover your latest, newest, best services and offers.

It has the oversell of replacing marketing but this is wrong. Facebook is another tool to seed your business or plant more ways, more routes, more funnels for potential prospects to get into your business.

But look how it works for business, it can be all over the place and unless highly, highly targeted it can take a lot of time, money and effort to make huge amounts in any business via facebook. Facebook is NOT FREE... how can it be when you have to dedicate time to it?

This is where I think you'll see Google+ make huge in-roads. Why? Because they have created their new tools, hangouts, circles and other cool stuff they are adding for on the move.

It'll be of bigger benefit for you and your business to have 10 good prospects in one of these discussions rather than 5000 friends or a load of fans on your facebook. Why? One word, RELATIONSHIPS.

This is and has always been where business is built, in strong relationships.

Facebook is too open for that, Google+ is looking like a stronger tool plus it has been designed with the mobile marketing in mind.

This is clearly where the future of relationships in business is being grown... Mobile marketing!

Finally a place where you can connect to your prospects, your clients, your leads in their pocket, everywhere and everywhere they go... Smart phones.

Things are changing and changing fast the one thing I do know is this, marketing has really never changed. Why? Beause the human being has never changed, been upgraded or rebuilt. Man is a man, his basic needs never change.

Tap into that, deliver great service, give your clients what they really want and don't get over focused on one aspect of marketing.

My tip is watch out for trends in Google+ and see those areas grow fast. My feeling is Facebook as a marketing media has never been and will never be the customers number one choice fora lot of reasons.

And not forgetting... there are way over 225 ways to take any business to the marketplace. In fact I know multi-million entrepreneurs that don't even have facebook or google+ accounts.

Just two weeks ago I delivered a 25k week to one business. How? Using an old fashioned flyer made from paper and ink!

If you need so advice, more direction, more useful ways to grow your business really fast simply get in touch.

You can email through my contact page or give me a call on UK 00 44 (0) 161 839 7999 Manchester, I'm more than happy to offer you at least 15 minutes of my evaluation.