4 Must-Know Business Trends For 2023

These are what I would call critical changes needed for ALL businesses in 2023. Ignore them and you will feel it. Apply them and you will also feel it - for the better.

1. Shoppers are seeking and demanding brands with values that align with their own

Let’s be honest, values change almost every year. Then you get other changes that arrive, never leave and just get stronger. Buyers now want to engage with brands that share the same values as well as their aesthetics. 

In fact, 82% of consumers say they need clothing and even luxury brands to help them truly express who they really are. Is your brand doing that?

The time has come for you to really make a huge effort to communicate your values through storytelling. Long-form video on YouTube is in huge demand

People want to know your actual story, not just the story you want to tell. And they will spend days, weeks and even months looking for the answers in harmony with their values before they commit to buying from you.

How good is your story? Is it clear, open, and honest and do you reveal the back story behind your story? If you are a value-driven company you need to shout that from the rooftops.

You can do this through your copy but you should consider expanding the story into a film. Why film? With video views now at 30 BILLION, a day according to Google film is the number one medium of choice for sharing stories.

  • Review how you communicate

  • Tell your story

  • She your values

  • Do it in film

2. Sustainability is now the king of search

You’d have to be blind to not see the massively increased trend for sustainability. This isn’t new but it has grown hugely. This trend will only grow in 2023.

 UK search terms have also changed. Rather than searchers simply searching, for ‘sustainability’ they are searching for expanded terms like sustainable furniture or clothing etc. Buyers are now switching more to brands that solve the climate issue than a brand that simply is a brand.  If you can show how much you respect the environment, society, and people your brand will be the choice to buy.

You must…

  • Review how sustainable your company is

  • Put into place new sustainable policies

  • Let your customers know that you are sustainable

  • Review the customer’s path and create a sustainable experience.

3. Shoppers are more channel agnostic

Everyone is online. Everyone buys online. The path to buying is now far from simple.

Buyers are taking paths like this.

They find what they want online.

They either buy online or go to the shop to see it for themselves.

Once they see it they pull out their phones and do comparisons.

They will check out further details on their phones in the shop.

Some will buy there and then.,

Others will leave the shop and buy online.

As I said, the path to a buyer is very different to how it used to be.

You need to start harnessing new shopping innovations or at least make a smart effort to be part of this new way of shopping.

You should use new technologies such as 3D and augmented reality solutions to create these experiences. Check this link out for more inspiration

4. Communities are leading in deciding your futures

Groups online or communities are leading the way when it comes to influencing decisions. According to Google stats, young male communities are sharing, discovering and shopping for trainers, watches, and collectables together, in a phenomenon known as “squad shopping”.

Do you offer SQUAD SHOPPING? If you are a brand or trying to build a brand you have no option but to embrace new, futuristic ways of communicating with your consumers. This also means collaborating with different communities in a way that feels authentic and not forced. 

You must Partner with like-minded creators, communities

Invest in communities and relatable content where trust and influence is native. For example, seek out and support relevant creators whose audiences and values align with your own. Experiment with different platforms just because everyone is on Instagram it doesn’t mean that will work for you. Locate your communities and find out where they hang out.


I live in a town where there are masses of coffee shops. I can’t say there is one where I am comely loyal to for coffee. None really stand out apart from one.

The owner of this coffee shop is doing everything and does it


In a guerrilla-style

Has built trust and connection

Has created a true brand

Has harness video, reels and film

And frankly in a town of so many coffee shops he has staked his claim as something very different.

I recommend you check out how he is doing his own thing on a local scale.

2023 will have to be a very different year for all businesses. The mindset has changed. The actions and reactions have changed in buyers. If you fail to make changes you might ultimately fail.

Would you like me to conduct a full 2023-ready audit on all of your marketing materials? This can result in huge measurable differences, big ideas and the removal of what isn’t working.

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Alan Forrest Smith

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